Welcome to Infrared Sauna Foundation.  ISF has absolutely zero affiliation and is not paid by any infrared sauna manufacture, re-seller or affiliate.  ISF is driven by donations through our recommendation service.


Our get help service is based on thousands of customer stories, reviews and our own research.  We have interviewed many individuals and businesses who's sauna have started fire and have collected the data necessary to determine the cause.  This coupled with thousands of survey submissions from consumers who have already purchased an infrared sauna.  To take our survey please click here.


There are still fire free and quality manufactures selling infrared saunas.  Take a look at our get help page for recommendations.


Our mission is to offer consumer protection and awareness surrounding the dangers of purchasing an infrared sauna from the wrong manufacture, re-seller or affiliate.  In an industry filled with corruption and little to no regulation or oversight we believe our service is very important to the infrared sauna buying public.


I'm Terry Roble, the creator and director of the Infrared Sauna Foundation.  I was born and raised in North Dakota and I enjoyed working as a safety advisor for the last 25 years.


In 2015, I was diagnosed with cancer and it was recommended that I purchase an infrared sauna to help with my recovery.  Like many of you, I became disgusted with all the marketing hype and contradictions that made it extremely confusing which infrared sauna I should purchase.  After weeks of research agony I decided on a sauna manufacture based on price and my online research.


My decision was wrong and I'm willing to admit this.  Instead of this infrared sauna helping my recovery I was plagued with frustration and stress that I didn't need.  From shipping delays, to shipping damage and eventually a heater malfunction that almost caught my home on fire.  All while I'm supposed to be recovering from my cancer treatment.

The sauna company was no help and offered no real solutions.  In fact, they blamed almost everything on me and in the end I didn't have a functioning sauna nor the thousands of dollars I spent.  Since I retired with my cancer diagnosis I thought this would be the perfect retirement project for me.  I dug deep into the sauna industry making hundreds of calls, researching for months and eventually creating a survey that I had sent out to thousands of people.  The results started pouring in.  It was much worse than I thought.  Moving forward I had one goal in mind; help as many people as I can so they don't make the same mistake as I did.


After convincing my better half, I was allowed a budget.  So I went out and hired a web designer and marketer, which happens to be my son Eric.  He's a guru when it comes to this online stuff and an amazing son for helping me with this project.  He's taken what happened to me very personal and is helping me a lot for very little.


The only money that is made with this project comes from donations, so please donate if this website has helped you.  I will never accept money or payoffs from sauna sellers, manufactures or affiliates, many have tried.  The facts are the facts and I won't change them.  The infrared sauna community needs regulation or at least a place for folks to go to see unbiased facts, which is what I've set out to do.  The information on this website is an accumulation of many months researching, making calls, sending surveys and talking to real people that own infrared saunas.


I truly hope this information helps you in your quest for better health.  I'm now 100% cancer free and I'm enjoying life along with my safe and well built infrared sauna.


God Bless.

Terry Roble